Friday, June 19, 2009


Introduced my main villain tonight, Orlando Valentine, captain of the Triton, considerably emotionless, very cool and calculated head.

As I'm writing his debut, I'm realizing that it's... very bad. Stilted. I'm not really conveying a sense of the character of Valentine, and he doesn't seem as menacing as some of the other villains in Seafear.

Granted, he's been on the page for all of 500 words, which is the barest sneeze of anything in this book (not that it's long... it's only 63,000 words, and that's getting me down...), but still, if I don't like how this chapter turns out, I'm gutting it and rewriting it. Aggressively.

Rewriting always gives me the shivers. I want to have this thing done with, but the damn thing isn't even finished yet. It's hanging over me like an agitating parental figure, constantly nagging me. When I finish it, I will be a happy camper indeed.

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