Friday, June 26, 2009


I've settled on an epigraph for Seafear, now that I've finished the damned book:

"Though the seas threaten, they are merciful." -The Tempest, Act 5, Scene I

It's from The Tempest, which is pretty much the definitive literary work in my life. I think the whole of my approach to storytelling -- or at least the telling of Seafear -- has been informed by The Tempest. I played Prospero in my high school's production of it in 11th grade, and that's when a lot of my literary voice was being cemented.

The line is spoken at the tail end of the play. The wizard, Prospero, has just united the King of Naples with his son. Both the king and his son thought the other had drowned in the titular storm, and it provided a significant amount of wangst for both Alonso and Ferdinand; but when they're reunited, Ferdinand says that line. I think it perfectly encapsulates the idea behind Seafear.

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