Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sequels and Rejection

I got my first rejection letter yesterday. It was very prompt and polite, which I suppose is the most I can ask for in a rejection. It was more diplomatic than the rejection letter I got when I was shopping a short story around last year: "We can only accept the very best quality prose fiction in our magazine, and your submission fails to meet that standard." That one was rather clumsy, to say the least. (Incidentally, the story that failed to meet up to their standards is right here.)

In other news, I'm working on the outline for the sequel to Seafear. I'm reluctant to actually get much writing done on the sequel, because I don't know what's going to happen to Seafear. If, God willing, it's published, there will probably will be some changes made to the manuscript. I don't want to have to rewrite half a book because of one changed line of dialogue in Book I.

I like where Book II is going, though. It's not quite as frenetic as Seafear, but it's still got a lot of action and intrigue, and the all important character development. Here's hoping I'll get to bring this one to fruition.

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