Monday, August 10, 2009

Agent Hunting

Hunting around for a YA agent is difficult, especially because my book is geared toward a male audience. A lot of the profiles on AgentQuery have agents saying they specialize in women's interest and chick lit, and if they're looking for a YA book, it's something similar to that. Which is fine for them, but not for me, because it makes this process harder! (But hopefully more rewarding.)

Still, there's something really exciting about finding an agent who might just be the right one to submit to. It's especially great when they give interviews with places like Absolute Write, because then I can see a lot of information about this agent in a short period of time.

I've found five agents to submit to. My goal is ten; I'm wondering if I should do the first five and see what they say, and then do a second five, or if I should do all ten at once. Part of me wants to do the first option, because writing is a very slow business and I am very tired of waiting, but patience is a virtue. A virtue I lack. Which makes this business all the more galling.

And all the more fun.

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